Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Easter Sunday

Easter was very different this year. Mainly because I was away from my family and in America, Easter is one of those big holidays, throughout the year, religious or not, that most people come together to have family time. Here they don't commercialize Easter, at all. So there wasn't any build up to it. It didn't feel like Easter because I wasn't constantly reminded that it was coming up. This is shallow, but I didn't have a new Easter dress this year, and when I arrived at church everyone was severely dressed down, including me. The service was good and that should be all that matters, but I'm so used to seeing everyone so dressed up on Easter Sunday and the little girls with their new white shoes and the women with their hats, it just wasn't the same. I didn't have a traditional Easter dinner. They don't really do that here. There was no brunch to attend or dinner to look forward to-I had mondoo, a Korean dish, for dinner that evening. It was different. I was told by a person, at church, that if I thought Easter was a let down, just wait for Christmas-it's even worse! When it comes down to it though, Easter isn't about all the above mentioned things, it's about the eternal life we've been given through Christ's death and resurrection and for that I am eternally thankful!

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