Sunday, 1 February 2009

A few observations about Seoul… I think there might be something in the water; something good, because my skin has never looked better (shallow, I know)! I’ve noticed, today, while traveling around Seoul, that couples are very affectionate towards one another. Not affectionate, as in all over each other making out, but affectionate as in you can tell that they adore one another; it seems different here, I don’t notice that about Americans; then again, it’s not very often that I have the chance to just sit around and watch people interact with each other. Now to the important stuff! To all of my fashion-forward, purse-seeking friends… I have found the purses! And wallets, belts, hats, luggage, sweatshirts (Abercrombie-who knew?) and socks, lots of Gucci and Prada socks! I found all of these things on my trip to Itaewon, today. Itaewon is the very foreigner friendly part of town. I even found a Nashville pub there! Oh, and a sign for the “Grand Ole Opry”. I couldn’t get to the building where the sign was, but I’m very curious to see what goes on there…? There were mostly American establishments there and several other foreign establishments as well. Also, it was a small comfort to see other Americans even though I did not interact with them. For the most part though, I walked around Itaewon, taking it all in. Today, while I was walking around, I didn’t feel as sad as I did on Saturday. I was able to enjoy being in a new place and experiencing a new city! The weekend wasn’t so bad… I found a bookstore, became more acquainted with Seoul and learned the bus and metro routes…not bad for my first week. Goals for the upcoming week-finally get the cable installed (that’s up to the cable guy and whether or not he decides to show), get the Internet installed (I could probably live without t.v. if I had the Internet), and figure out how to work the freakin’ washing machine!

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