Thursday, 19 February 2009

Olympic Park and the Upcoming Week

Perhaps I'm the only one who really feels this way but, sometimes you just need to get outside and run. I have a love/hate relationship with running... I love how it makes my body feel but I hate pushing myself; and maybe I'd enjoy it more if I didn't set such unreasonably high expectations for myself...who knows, but earlier this week I had the urge, and uncontrollable urge to just run-run until I couldn't run anymore. After work on Wednesday I hopped on the bus and headed straight for Olympic Park. It really is a runner's dream...I'm not exactly sure about the mileage but it's flat and it's long and there are uphill trails. I arrived at the park around 6pm on Wednesday evening and just started running (I was channelling Sandy Cornelius) and then after I'd run the perimeter of the park I just kept running; to the next subway station and then on to my friends house, past that subway station, for Bible study. It was amazing and it allowed me to see a side of Seoul that I had yet to encounter. When you're traveling the city by bus or by car it is so easy to ignore your surroundings, but running through the city allowed me to embrace the city and stumble upon places and building I hadn't noticed. It's only been a couple of days but I'm looking forward to getting off of work to run and I'm also looking forward to checking out some of the other great areas, this city has to offer, for runners (or those of us attempting to be runners).
It's Friday, here in Seoul, and tonite the first of the remaining 5 teachers will be arriving. I'm excited to finally have some other English speakers around (in my building) but I'm not looking forward to playing tour guide. I'm settled, I have friends and plans and I hate running errands; especially in Seoul, where you can never find a seat on the bus or metro (because it's always so freakin' busy) and you have to stand in line for everything and then whatever you buy you have to carry back with you-I will never again complain about going to Kroger or Target and having to grocery shop and then have to unload from the car-there is perspective everywhere-I'm experiencing it on a daily basis. I mean, I've already run my errands for the week; I've already fought through the masses of Koreans, who would very easily push you in front of an oncoming bus just so they could be first in line to get on the bus (it's very much like being in 1st grade and fighting over who's going to be line leader to go to recess). It's exhausting. However, I am completely aware that I've been here for 3 weeks and that if the situation was reversed I'd be forever grateful to the person that showed me around and helped me get settled; so with that said, my attitude is that of a servant's heart and I am looking forward (kind of) to helping out the newbies and getting to know them...on Sunday (they arrive Saturday sometime)-Saturday nite I have date number 2 with the nice Korean boy I went out with last week....!

1 comment:

  1. Jenn! I just found your blog and read ALL the posts...the funniest was the Koran nightclub one...too funny! Bill is sacked out on the couch beside me (no big surprise!). You sound like you are doing well. Now I know how to keep tabs on you.

